Dr. Andreas Möller

Certified Lawyer for Administrative Law

Tel: +49 30 5900330-0 (switchboard)
Tel: +49 30 5900330-83 (Frau Sedlatschek)
Fax: +49 30 5900330-99
E-Mail: amoeller@vontrott-lammek.de

Practice Areas

Public Construction Law; Planning and Zoning Law

Landmark Protection Law

Urban Development and Renewal Law

Urban Redevelopment Law

Environmental and Contaminated Land Law




Legal studies in Potsdam, Berlin and Speyer

Research assistant at the Chair for Constitutional and Administrative Law, European Law, Environmental Law, Finance Law and Regulatory Law at Humboldt University, Berlin (Prof. Dr. M. Kloepfer) and at the European Center for Theory and Practice of the State

Legal traineeship at the Berlin State Administration for Urban Development and at the Construction Law senate at the Berlin Higher Administrative Court

2003 Attorney at Hammonds LLP, Berlin

2005 Doctoral degree in Urban Planning Law at Humboldt University, Berlin (Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. U. Battis)

2008 Attorney at GSK Stockmann + Kollegen, Berlin

Joined the firm in 2011 as partner


Various contributions to Schrödter, Baugesetzbuch (Federal Building Code), 9. Aufl. 2019

Contributions to Schäfer/Uechtritz/Zuber, Rechtsgestaltung in der kommunalen Praxis (Legal Drafting in Municipal Practice), 2015

Bringt die Sozialwohnungsquote den Bauboom für Wohnungen in Berlin zum Erliegen? (Will the Social Housing Quota Bring Berlin’s Apartment Building Boom to an End?), together with Maximiliane Hatz, in: Grundeigentum 2013, pp. 314 et seq.

Zur Rechtswidrigkeit der Berliner Sanierungspraxis in den östlichen Innenstadtbezirken (On the Illegality of the Berlin Redevelopment Practice in the Eastern Central Districts), together with Clemens Lammek and Maximiliane Hatz, in: Grundeigentum 2013, pp. 168 et seq.

Energieeinsparungsgesetz (Energy Saving Law), 2012

Siedlungsrückbau in den neuen Ländern nach Stadtumbau- und Sanierungsrecht (Urban Shrinkage in the Eastern States under Urban Renewal and Redevelopment Law), 2006